Dreamstudy.cc adheres to a strict editorial policy that is guided by transparency, objectivity, and the highest quality of sources used. Our resource prides itself on its ability to combine tradition and modernity, providing information that is relevant to the needs of today’s world and helps you successfully adapt and study in Thailand.

The main provisions of the editorial policy of the site:

  • Transparency of information concerning objectivity. Authors should not intentionally conceal their interest in this or that project/activity mentioned in the materials of the site.
  • Strict fact-checking. Before an article is published, it is further checked for objectivity and factual evidence.
  • High-quality sources. Only reputable informational and commercial sources are used when covering news and services.
  • Copyright. Only those text materials and images that are freely available and are not protected by copyright laws are used in the materials of the site.
  • All text materials are 100% original and have passed technical checks for plagiarism.
  • Each article or news should be of value to the reader (a person superficially or professionally interested in cryptocurrencies and investments).
  • All information offered is backed up with links or quotes from sources so that readers don’t get a sense of bias. Supporting statements with screenshots or charts is encouraged.
  • Third-party opinions. If the materials use information about the opinion of the public or experts, the views of the authors do not necessarily coincide with them.
  • When placing advertising materials, a strict selection process is carried out. Dreamstudy.cc does not cooperate with projects that advertise any form of guaranteed profitability or use dishonest marketing techniques.
  • The editorial team carefully monitors the integrity of the content and does not allow the use of clickbait and other deceptive methods of attracting readers.
  • Content is regularly updated to keep up with current events.
  • Content should not be considered advice and is not intended to encourage any financial investment.
  • The principles listed are reviewed and updated periodically.

Dreamstudy.cc is an independent publication that is not owned or controlled by any education and travel company. We strive to be a reliable and trustworthy source of information. To learn about the site’s creators and contributors, click here. Contacts for contacting the administration are provided here.