Website Disclaimer Format - Dreamstudy

Website Disclaimer Format

All information on is published strictly for informational purposes. The management of the site makes no warranty as to the completeness, reliability or accuracy of this information. Any action you take based on information found on this site is at your own risk. Under no circumstances will be liable for any loss, lost profits, damages, or losses arising from the use of our website.

Access to and its contents is strictly at your own discretion and risk.

Some links on lead to resources located on third-party sites for your convenience only. If you follow hyperlinks from our site to any external sites, please note that we have no control over the content and features of these sites, although we endeavor to provide only quality links to useful and honest resources.

The presence of a hyperlink to a particular external site does not mean that we endorse or recommend all the content located on that site. Sometimes sites change owners and their policies in general without prior notice. We are not always able to promptly remove a link that may have become of poor quality.

Also, when you leave our website, please be aware that other sites have privacy policies and terms that are beyond our control. Be sure to check the privacy policies of these sites as well as their terms of service before you upload any information or send any money. In addition, only the advertisers themselves are responsible for advertising materials posted on our site.

The site operates without drawing up any agreements that could become the object of direct claims between users, the resource administration, and the management of the servers on which it operates. The site administration has the right to deny access to the resource to any user or their group without prior notice, approval or explanation of reasons.

All trademarks, logos, product names and company names used, mentioned or quoted on any page of the website are owned by their respective owners under copyright laws.

By using the site, you automatically agree to this disclaimer and assume full responsibility.

If we update, amend or make any changes to this document, the changes will be posted here and will be effective upon posting. Continued use of the site after this implies automatic consent to comply with the new rules.