Admissions - Dreamstudy


You can apply to any of our universities even if you are still overseas. For applicants who are in Thailand we provide a 15% discount on our services.

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    • Research: Identify Thai universities with programs aligning with your academic interests and career goals.
    • Program Selection: Consider factors like program curriculum, faculty, campus facilities, location, and university rankings.
    • Academic Records: Prepare your academic transcripts from previous institutions.
    • Language Proficiency: If you are applying for an English-taught program, ensure you meet the English language requirements (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.).
    • Additional Requirements: Some programs may require standardise test scores (e.g., GMAT for business programs), a statement of purpose, or letters of recommendation.
    • Application Form: Fill out the application form, which is usually available on the university’s website.
    • Supporting Documents: Gather all necessary documents, including academic transcripts, language test scores, and any additional materials the program requires.
    • Application Fee: Pay any applicable application fees.
    • Research Scholarships: Look for scholarships from the university, private organizations, or government bodies.
    • Eligibility and Deadlines: Check the eligibility criteria and scholarship application deadlines.
    • Acceptance Letter: Once accepted, you’ll receive an acceptance letter from the university.
    • Visa Application: Apply for the Thai Education (ED) Visa. You’ll need your acceptance letter, proof of financial means, a valid passport, and possibly a health certificate and police clearance.
    • Visa Processing: Submit your visa application to the nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate.
    • Accommodation: Arrange your on-campus or off-campus housing.
    • Travel Arrangements: Book your travel to Thailand, considering the university’s academic calendar.
    • Health Insurance: Obtain health insurance that is valid in Thailand.
    • Orientation Program: Participate in the university’s orientation program to get acquainted with the campus, understand academic policies, and immerse yourself in Thai culture.
    • Course Registration: Enroll in your courses per your academic advisor’s guidance.
    • Finalize Enrollment: Complete any final administrative steps to finalize your enrollment.
    woman with books
    • Research: Identify Thai universities with programs aligning with your academic interests and career goals.
    • Program Selection: Consider factors like program curriculum, faculty, campus facilities, location, and university rankings.
    • Academic Records: Prepare your academic transcripts from previous institutions.
    • Language Proficiency: If you are applying for an English-taught program, ensure you meet the English language requirements (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.).
    • Additional Requirements: Some programs may require standardise test scores (e.g., GMAT for business programs), a statement of purpose, or letters of recommendation.
    • Application Form: Fill out the application form, which is usually available on the university’s website.
    • Supporting Documents: Gather all necessary documents, including academic transcripts, language test scores, and any additional materials the program requires.
    • Application Fee: Pay any applicable application fees.
    • Research Scholarships: Look for scholarships from the university, private organizations, or government bodies.
    • Eligibility and Deadlines: Check the eligibility criteria and scholarship application deadlines.
    • Acceptance Letter: Once accepted, you’ll receive an acceptance letter from the university.
    • Visa Application: Apply for the Thai Education (ED) Visa. You’ll need your acceptance letter, proof of financial means, a valid passport, and possibly a health certificate and police clearance.
    • Visa Processing: Submit your visa application to the nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate.
    • Accommodation: Arrange your on-campus or off-campus housing.
    • Travel Arrangements: Book your travel to Thailand, considering the university’s academic calendar.
    • Health Insurance: Obtain health insurance that is valid in Thailand.
    • Orientation Program: Participate in the university’s orientation program to get acquainted with the campus, understand academic policies, and immerse yourself in Thai culture.
    • Course Registration: Enroll in your courses per your academic advisor’s guidance.
    • Finalize Enrollment: Complete any final administrative steps to finalize your enrollment.


      Frequently Asked Questions about Higher Education in Thailand

      What is a Dual Degree Program?
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      A Dual Degree Program allows students to pursue two different degrees simultaneously in distinct fields of study. This educational path provides a comprehensive learning experience, broadening academic and career opportunities by enabling students to specialize in two areas.
      What is the difference between 'Undergraduate' and 'Graduate' degrees?
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      Undergraduate degrees, typically including associate's and bachelor's degrees, are pursued after completing high school and form the foundation of higher education. Graduate degrees, encompassing master’s and doctoral degrees, require a completed bachelor’s degree for admission and involve more advanced, specialized study in a particular field.
      Are there age limitations to attending University?
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      Generally, universities do not impose strict age restrictions for admissions. Most students enter undergraduate programs after completing high school, typically starting around 18 to 20 years of age. However, prodigious students as young as 16 may be admitted in some exceptional cases. Additionally, many older adults and non-traditional students also enroll in university courses. Admissions are primarily based on academic qualifications, not age.
      Is fluency in English required for admission to Universities in Bangkok?
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      While you may not need to be fully fluent, a certain level of English proficiency is typically required for admission to universities in Bangkok. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the minimum English proficiency level often accepted is B2. This level indicates that you have a good command of English for everyday conversational and academic purposes, can understand the main ideas of complex text, and can interact with native speakers with a degree of spontaneity and fluency.
      Where to find apartments in Bangkok?
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      There are multiple resources available to help you find an apartment. Online real estate listings, local classified ads, and community boards are great places to start. Additionally, our team is here to assist you in your apartment search. For personalized support and more information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
      What are the admission requirements to study in Thailand?
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      To be eligible for admission, applicants must fulfill the following criteria: Academic Qualifications: Completion of high school/upper secondary school/grade 12, including transcripts. (Please verify specific requirements based on your country and education system.) IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-levels Certificate with a minimum of 5 subjects graded A, B, or C. IGCSE/GCSE/GCE A-levels Certificate with a minimum of 3 subjects graded A to E. Test of General Educational Development (GED) with a minimum of 145 points in all 4 subjects and a high school equivalency diploma. IB Certificate with a minimum of 5 subjects, each scored at least 4. IB Diploma with a minimum total of 24 points. English Proficiency: English proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL are not mandatory. Applicants can take the STIU English Placement Test before or after receiving an offer letter. To qualify for direct admission into a degree program, applicants should have an IELTS score of at least 6.0 (with no band below 5.5) or a TOEFL score of at least 78.
      When does the semester start at universities in Bangkok?
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      Universities in Bangkok typically operate on a three-semester system: First Semester: Starts in September or October. Second Semester: Begins in January or February. Summer Session: Commences in early June, offering full or additional courses. Please note that these are approximate timelines, and specific dates can vary by university.
      What are the recommended arrival dates for university students in Bangkok?
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      We recommend that students plan to arrive at least seven days before the start of their respective semester to allow sufficient time for settling in and completing any necessary administrative procedures.
      What is a credit system in education?
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      A credit system is a standardized way of measuring and quantifying a student's academic progress in the educational context. Each course taken at a school or university is assigned a specific number of credits, which generally reflect the amount of time spent on the course, including both in-class and out-of-class work. To graduate, students must accumulate a required number of credits, demonstrating they have completed the necessary coursework. The credit system allows for flexibility in a student's academic journey, as they can choose from various courses to fulfill their credit requirements while also exploring different subjects of interest. This system also facilitates the transfer of credits between different educational institutions, helping to ensure that previous academic work is recognized.
      When should all application documents be submitted to the university?
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      The deadline for submitting application documents varies by university. Generally, students are required to submit all necessary paperwork between 6 and 2 months prior to the commencement of the semester. It is crucial to check the specific deadlines and requirements of the university you are applying to in order to ensure that all documents are submitted on time.

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